Wondering how to cancel your Adobe subscription? This step-by-step guide makes the process simple and hassle-free.
Follow the instructions below to ensure a smooth cancellation.
Step 1: Sign In to Your Adobe Account
- Go to this link: https://account.adobe.com/
- Sign in to your Adobe account using your email address or Google account credentials.
Step 2: Access Your Plan Details
- Once logged in, locate the top menu and click on Plans and Payments.
- Your subscription is under the “Plans” section (e.g., Creative Cloud All Apps with 100 GB).
- Click on Manage Plan to view details about your subscription.
Step 3: Start the Cancellation Process
- Scroll down and click on Cancel Plan.
- Re-enter your password to confirm your account access.
- You will be directed to the Cancel Plan Wizard.
Step 4: Provide a Cancellation Reason
- Please select a reason for canceling from the available options (e.g., “Too expensive,” “Not using the apps,” etc.).
- Click Continue at the bottom right corner.
Step 5: Decline Alternate Offers
- If prompted with offers to switch to another plan or incentives like free months, click No Thanks.
- Please review the details on the cancellation page, which outline the changes to your account, such as the loss of cloud storage and app access.
Step 6: Finalize Your Cancellation
- Click Continue to proceed.
- On the final review page, check details such as:
- The plan is being canceled.
- Any early termination fees.
- The exact date your subscription will end.
- Once satisfied, click Confirm to complete the cancellation.
- After completing the cancellation, you will receive a confirmation email from Adobe.
- Keep this email for your records if you need it for future reference.
Following these steps lets you cancel your Adobe subscription quickly and without confusion.