How to Cancel an Adobe Subscription

Wondering how to cancel your Adobe subscription? This step-by-step guide makes the process simple and hassle-free.

Follow the instructions below to ensure a smooth cancellation.

Step 1: Sign In to Your Adobe Account

  1. Go to this link:
  2. Sign in to your Adobe account using your email address or Google account credentials.

Step 2: Access Your Plan Details

  1. Once logged in, locate the top menu and click on Plans and Payments.
  2. Your subscription is under the “Plans” section (e.g., Creative Cloud All Apps with 100 GB).
  3. Click on Manage Plan to view details about your subscription.

Step 3: Start the Cancellation Process

  1. Scroll down and click on Cancel Plan.
  2. Re-enter your password to confirm your account access.
  3. You will be directed to the Cancel Plan Wizard.

Step 4: Provide a Cancellation Reason

  1. Please select a reason for canceling from the available options (e.g., “Too expensive,” “Not using the apps,” etc.).
  2. Click Continue at the bottom right corner.

Step 5: Decline Alternate Offers

  1. If prompted with offers to switch to another plan or incentives like free months, click No Thanks.
  2. Please review the details on the cancellation page, which outline the changes to your account, such as the loss of cloud storage and app access.

Step 6: Finalize Your Cancellation

  1. Click Continue to proceed.
  2. On the final review page, check details such as:
    • The plan is being canceled.
    • Any early termination fees.
    • The exact date your subscription will end.
  3. Once satisfied, click Confirm to complete the cancellation.


  • After completing the cancellation, you will receive a confirmation email from Adobe.
  • Keep this email for your records if you need it for future reference.

Following these steps lets you cancel your Adobe subscription quickly and without confusion. 

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